Thursday, July 29, 2010

In the news...

Evidently, a fifth state has banned BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups, and clear storage containers.  It happened almost a month ago, but I missed the news until now.   The article says the new law "prohibits the use of" - - - what exactly does that mean?  Does that mean manufacturers can not sell items in those states if they contain BPA?  Does that mean they can not be manufactured in those states?  Or does that mean you, the consumer, are the one responsible for knowing which items are BPA-free and only using those? 

BPA isn't only in bottles and cans.  An article that that appears in USA Today, discusses a study that was done by the Environmental  Working Group.  They found that 40 percent of cash register receipts contain BPA.  geesh.  Read the article - some say there is no need to ban BPA. 

In other news here, the Reuters article states, "A nonprofit environmental group has sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, claiming the agency failed to regulate toxic chemicals found in "antimicrobial" soap and other personal care products." 

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