Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Updates and reminders on this and that

It's spring time, folks!  That indoor air you've been breathing the last few months is 2-5 times more polluted that the air outside.  Open those windows - let some fresh air in! 

The first day it was warm enough, I opened my windows at home for awhile.  What a difference it makes.  Today, I opened the office window - goodbye stale air, hello fresh air!

I think I finally figured out a recycling system in our suite of offices at work.  If we have to walk over 300 steps one-way every time we want to recycle a bottle or can I know it won't happen.  So, I got an extra container from maintenance,  decorated it with a nice little sign, and voila!  Every can/bottle recycled helps.  And I got an extra one for paper, because our system before just wasn't working.  I think we're in good shape now.

I was asked to be part of a volunteer team for our local recycling program.  I was excited about that - to surround yourself with others who recycle in the county helps stay motivated.  I also like how they promote to reduce in the first place.  Reduction of "stuff" or "things" as the title of this site refers, leads to a much lighter, simpler way of life. 

I love the feeling of cleaning out a cupboard or closet.  It's ridiculous how much stuff one person can accumulate when s/he's not watching.  It's a reminder to always be present, especially in purchases. 

And just because something is on sale or free, does not mean you need to take it home with you!  I had friends that used to give me knick-knacks for every holiday.  It drove me crazy -stuff with no purpose that just collected dust.  Now, I like pictures and occasional trinkets, but simple and minimalist is better, in my opinion.  It truly does give you a lighter feeling - a feeling of freedom. 

A year ago, I did an experiment that I've actually maintained:  how low can I get my monthly bills?   My rabbit ears work just fine.  My tracfone for emergencies is just dandy. 

Books are a weakness, I admit.  But I don't collect them like I used to - and I love to pass books along.  Yes, it's great to use the library, but there is also something wonderful about having a book and passing it along to a friend to share.  It's like sharing a wonderful conversation - although, without the talking to one another. ha!

Duane Elgin coined the term voluntary simplicity a few decades ago, but how wonderful it still is today!  I don't want to be a slave to things.  As my favorite quote from his book says, "You only cross the same creek once."  I want to know when I cross that creek. I don't want to be so busy making a living that I miss it!

Anyway, those are the thoughts for today.  Open your windows, let a fresh breeze into the room, and then tell me:  What do you do to reduce or simplify?

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